Adjusting to a Life with Dentures

ID-100151466Getting dentures, especially the full ones, can be a bit of a life-changer, don’t you think? All of your natural teeth will be removed and replaced with a new, artificial set. That alone could make you think that having teeth that are not your own may be a bit of a challenge.

Well, let us tell you — you are not alone. There are hundreds and thousands out there who are also struggling in adjusting to their new teeth. Here at Gentle Dental Care, we do not only provide dentures in Edison, but we also guide our patients throughout their new journey. Here is a quick timeline on your first month with dentures.

  • Day 1. This is when your adjustment to dentures may seem a bit difficult. First-time denture users often complain that they find it hard to eat with their dentures, which is why soft foods that are gentle on the teeth and gums are recommended to make the experience much easier the first time around.
  • Day 2 to Week 2. As your mouth adjusts to your new teeth, there is a possibility that salivation may increase. Sore spots may also sprout from any corner in your mouth. This can be alleviated with a saline rinse. However, it is still best to consult your dentist every now and then, especially if the soreness persists.
  • Week 2 to Day 29. You may still be having difficulty talking and eating normally. However, this is the time when the sore spots and the salivation begin to decrease. This is also the perfect time to start making use of denture adhesives to enhance the fit and feel of your new teeth.
  • End of month 1. At last, you have survived a month with your dentures on! Remember, the more you wear your new set of teeth, the quicker you will get used to wearing them and being able to speak and eat with them!

Get quality dentures only from the best dental facility in town! Call us today at (732) 549-5660 to request a consultation with one of our dental experts and see if you need artificial teeth.

Image courtesy of artur84 at

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